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Chapter 13 Review Questions

Chapter 13 Review Questions

Q Answer the following questions after reading the chapter and or reviewing the powerpoints. • What is the climacteric? • What is the role of a kinkeeper? • What are the primary reasons children move back home? • Define filial obligation. • Give an example of practical intelligence. • Give an example of a midlife correction. • Describe the four ways in which adult learners differ from younger learners. • Describe the causes and possible prevention of osteoporosis, and explain why it is more common in women than in men. • What is meant by the sandwich generation? PreviousNext

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- Climacteric is the period of life starting from the decline in ovarian activity until after the end of ovarian function. According to the definition, the period includes peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause. - The person who gathers the family together for celebrations and keeps them in touch. - Difficulty finding a job or reasonably priced housing, helping to care for the young or elderly, etc. - Is generally understood to refer to special duties—specific kinds of actions, services, and attitudes.